Capacity Commons is a one-stop shop for all your skills-based volunteering needs 

Capacity Commons features a free suite of resources to support your organization wherever you are in your pro bono journey.

Here, you’ll be equipped with the information, tools and network needed to understand how pro bono resources can best support your organization, to obtain skilled volunteer support and to maximize the immediate and long-term impact of your engagement.

Tools of Capacity Commons

Dive right into some of the key tools we offer on our site.

If you’re new to skills-based volunteerism or to our site, we recommend you visit our Guidebook to learn about skillsbased volunteerism and access the tools and resources of Capacity Commons through our 7-step model.

Check Your Readiness

Take our 10-minute multiple choice exercise and receive a scored objective assessment of your organization’s readiness to leverage pro bono services, along with customized tips for preparing to work with skilled volunteers. 

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View Sample Projects

See common skills-based volunteer projects, along with peer-generated templates and examples.

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Assess Your Project

Take our 10-minute multiple choice exercise and receive a scored objective assessment of the readiness of your proposed project, along with customized tips for positioning the project for maximum organizational impact.

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Scope Your Project

Scope a strong skills-based volunteer project through our guided scoping exercise.

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Value Your Project

Calculate the monetary value of your proposed project to share with key stakeholders.

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Find Your Volunteers

Learn where to find qualified skilled volunteers to meet your project needs.

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Use Skilled Volunteers to Increase Your Capacity to do Good

The social sector forms the backbone of our communities, providing the education, care and social and civil services that enable us to lead healthy, prosperous and just lives. The sector spends the majority of its dollars and time bringing these services to life, leaving precious little resources to dedicate to the core business functions that enable organizations to streamline, scale and innovate.

Skills-based volunteerism offers the social sector a transformative resource: external expertise that strengthens its capacity to serve our communities.

Pro Bono Success Stories:

Brought To You By

Capacity Commons is brought to you by Common Impact, a national nonprofit that works to build a society in which individuals and businesses invest their unique talents towards a shared purpose: strengthening the local communities in which we live and work. Common Impact has over two decades of experience designing, running and evaluating skills-based volunteering initiatives.